


Restaurant Guru 2022A top 10 best cafe in TallinnGelato Ladies
Restaurant Guru 2022A top 10 best cafe in TallinnGelato Ladies
Gelato Ladies
A top 10 best desserts restaurant in TallinnRestaurant Guru 2022


TripAdvisor ja Google arvustused

Sigrid Kl.
Sigrid Kl.
8. jaanuar, 2024
Best gelato in town! My favourite ice cream cafe at all time. Have tried everywhere gelato where I go but the one you serve is the best!
Aureliano M
Aureliano M
27. september, 2023
A wonder !!! Clearly, a marvel!! One of the best ice cream parlors I have tried, they make sorbets in front of you with fresh products. In particular I loved the white peach and the kiwi/banana, but all the flavors are delicious and I went back a second time before leaving Tallinn!
Mark T
Mark T
27. august, 2023
Nice option for gelato on the edge of old town near the cruise terminal we were looking for a place for a late afternoon treat walking back to the Tallinn cruise terminal. Lucky for us on the edge of the old town Gelato Ladies was there. they had a wide variety of flavors served in waffle cones or bowls. definitely worth a stop
25. juuli, 2023
Jäätelöbaari Tallinnassa Löysimme tänne sattumalta kun olimme illalla palaamassa hotellille. Paljon erilaisia käsintehtyjä jäätelömakuja, eikä hinta ollut kallis. Otimme pavlova ja nektariinijäätelöt. Voin suositella tätä paikkaa lämpimästi.
20. juuli, 2023
Himmelskt god glass Himmelskt god glass - lämpligt söt, frisk i smaken och tillräckligt mjuk. Oändlig mängd olika smaker: pistasch, pavlova, aprikos, cappuccino… Stället ligger lite på sidan om turiststråken och man kan i lugn och ro njuta på uteserveringen och titta på de vackra husen längs gatan. Definitivt värt ett besök!
Kim S
Kim S
13. juuli, 2023
Really good ice cream The ice cream is made by hand daily, hence the selection is not that wide if you are looking for something specific, the ice cream itself and the service was perfect, coffee was good. You can sit on the terrace or inside.
Alan Saldaña
Alan Saldaña
23. aprill, 2024
Trustindex kontrollib, et arvustuse algallikas on Google.
Recomiendo por mucho el helado sabor pistache.
Lidia Pivovarova
Lidia Pivovarova
20. aprill, 2024
Trustindex kontrollib, et arvustuse algallikas on Google.
Nice place, good coffee, friendly stuff, play corner for kid
Marko Huttunen
Marko Huttunen
17. aprill, 2024
Trustindex kontrollib, et arvustuse algallikas on Google.
Gelato is just like in Rome last summer. Excellent!
Austin D'souza
Austin D'souza
16. aprill, 2024
Trustindex kontrollib, et arvustuse algallikas on Google.
Lovely ice creamery!
Uku Langebraun
Uku Langebraun
8. aprill, 2024
Trustindex kontrollib, et arvustuse algallikas on Google.
Best ice cream place in Tallinn by far
Tomasz Baran
Tomasz Baran
6. aprill, 2024
Trustindex kontrollib, et arvustuse algallikas on Google.
Lody dobre. Obsługa dobra. Ceny dobre. Zachwytu nie było.
Kiarash Radmehr
Kiarash Radmehr
6. aprill, 2024
Trustindex kontrollib, et arvustuse algallikas on Google.
Very cozy place and friendly staff, amazing gelatos!

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